
All-UC Demography Conference

The Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy at UC Irvine hosted an All-UC Demography Conference on May 4-5, 2023. This event was open to all University of California researchers performing demography research and affiliated with population and poverty centers. Download the conference report. 

Who?               UC faculty and graduate students performing demography research

When?            Thursday, May 4 starting at 9:00 AM to Friday, May 5 ending at 12:00 PM

Where?           UC Irvine campus in Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway 1517



Download a report about the All-UC Demography Conference 2023

News article: Researchers from eight UCs converge on Irvine campus for deep dive on demography. Released May 12, 2023


Organizing Committee

Tim A. Bruckner, Professor, Public Health
Greg Duncan, Distinguished Professor, School of Education
Paul Hanselman, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, School of Social Sciences
Jade Jenkins, Associate Professor, School of Education
Brittany Morey, Assistant Professor, Public Health


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Conference Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors!



Keynote Address

Ronald Lee, Distinguished Professor and founding director of UC Berkeley’s Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging

Population aging and the macro economy

Abstract: Populations around the world are aging with important consequences for their economies. First, aging shrinks the size of the pie. Aging populations and labor grow more slowly or decline, reducing the growth rate of GDP. Further, the share of the population working tends to decline as the proportion of elderly rises. But at the same time, rising capital per worker lifts productivity for the smaller workforce. On net, per capita GDP may rise or fall. Second, aging changes the division of the pie. The changing balance of donors and recipients unbalances public and private redistribution of income across ages and generations. Support systems must be restructured to be sustainable. Countries like France, Germany and the US apportion public costs of aging differently across the generations. Individuals may respond to longer life and lower fertility by saving more, working more in the market, or retiring later. National Transfer Accounts help to evaluate the impacts of aging. Recently some studies have reached similar conclusions with other methods. Others raise Keynesian worries that aging may bring secular stagnation with declining real interest rates and rising unemployment. My general conclusion is that at an abstract level, the costs of population aging are not large or overwhelming, but on the ground much needs to be done to adjust and prepare our policies, institutions, and behaviors to accommodate the rapidly growing number of elderly. In some countries like the US, needed adjustments will likely be smaller than in other countries where the elderly rely more heavily on public transfers and fertility is lower. Adjustments will take different forms in different countries, with costs of aging falling harder on workers, on children, or on the elderly, with some countries sharing the costs more equally.


List of Faculty Papers 

Elizabeth Ackert, Assistant Professor of Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Socio-Demographic Predictors of Heat Exposure in California Census Tracts

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Professor of Economics/Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, UC Merced, Immigration Enforcement and the Institutionalization of Elderly Americans

Martha Bailey, Professor of Economics, UCLA, How Subsidies Affect Contraceptive Use among Low-Income Women in the U.S.:  A Randomized Control Trial

Tim Bruckner, Professor of Public Health, UC Irvine, Family Cash Transfers and Educational Outcomes in the Next Generation

Susan Cassels, Professor of Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Patterns of sexual minority men’s residential and health risk activity spaces in Los Angeles, CA

David Neumark, Distinguished Professor of Economics, UC Irvine, Help Really Wanted? The Impact of Age Stereotypes in Job Ads on Applications from Older Workers

Patrick Heuveline, Professor of Sociology, UCLA, Reconsidering the Historical Roots of Nonmarital Cohabitation in the United States:  The Previously Married as Engines of Social Change?

Marianne Page, Professor of Economics, UC Davis, Generational Persistence in the Effects of an Early Childhood Health Intervention

David Swanson, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, UC Riverside, The relative risk of dying from COVID-19 among those infected reveals a disturbing portrait of both COVID-19 mortality and non-COVID-19 mortality in the USA

Kristin Turney, Dean's Professor of Sociology, UC Irvine, Excess mortality in US prisons during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Maria-Elena Young, Assistant Professor of Public Health/School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, UC Merced, Immigrant policy exclusions and health and health care among Latinx and Asian immigrants in California    


List of Graduate Student Posters 

Caitlin Ahearn, Sociology, UCLA, The Relationship Between College Stratification, Union Formation, and Assortative Mating

Daniela Alvarez-Vargas, Education, UC Irvine, A Within-Study Comparison of Experimental and Observational Estimates of Income Effects on Child Development and Maternal Well-Being      

Brenda Bustos, Public Health, UC Irvine, Racial Identification Switching and Health among Birthing Persons in California

Juan Camilo Cristancho Amaya, Education, UC Irvine, Effects of homicide timing on test scores: Quasi-experimental evidence from two cities in Colombia

Abhery Das, Public Health, UC Irvine, The Mexican Drug War: Homicides and Deaths of Despair

Alein Haro-Ramos, Public Health, UC Berkeley, Racial-citizenship status disparities in unmet needed paid leave among Californians

Payal Hathi, Demography and Sociology, UC Berkeley, Quantifying pregnancy and pregnancy loss in the demographic study of population health       

Nanum Jeon, Sociology, UCLA, The Impact of College Degrees in Reducing COVID-Era Labor Market Racial Disparities

Angubeen Khan, Public Health, UCLA, Developing a typology for Middle Eastern, North African and South Asian ethnic neighborhoods in California

Calvin Kuo, Economics, UCLA, How Important is Leadership in Education: Evidence from North Carolina

Marcela Lopez, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UC Irvine, Family Cash Transfers and Maternal and Perinatal Health Outcomes

Kathryn McMahon, Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Does humidity matter? Prenatal heat and child growth in South Asia

Fabiola Perez-Lua, UC Merced, Constructing county-level indicators of immigration socio-political climates that shape Latinxs’ health and healthcare access

Beatriz Rache, Anderson School of Management, UCLA, Economic Distress and Children's Mental Health: Evidence from the Brazilian High Risk Cohort Study for Mental Conditions

Vincent Jerald Ramos, Demography, UC Berkeley, On Fertility Norms Under Future Uncertainty

Maria Sauval, Education, UC Irvine, The Long-Term Effects of North Carolina’s Pre-Kindergarten Program on Teen Births

Benjamin Shapiro, Demography, UC Berkeley, Determining the Relationship between State-Level Changes in Nigerian Maternal Education and Risk of Child Mortality for 2000s and 2010s Cohorts

Manasvi Sharma, Economics, UC Irvine, Ethnic Fertility and Exposure to Armed Conflict: The Case of Sri Lanka

Connie Valencia, Public Health, UC Irvine, Ethnic Enclaves, Neighborhood Resources, and Air Pollution Emissions in Latino Communities in California

Heidi West, Public Health, UCLA, Migration, gender, and families: The effects of spousal migration on women’s empowerment