Bocar Ba, economics, KCBS and Yahoo News, Feb. 12, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, Scientific American, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, Science News, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, The Guardian, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, TechCrunch, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, CNN, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, USA Today, Detroit Free Press, Desert Sun, Tallahassee Democrat, and Arizona Republic, Feb. 11, 2021

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Bocar Ba, economics, Science, Feb. 11, 2021

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David Neumark, economics, ValueWalk, Feb. 10, 2021

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David Neumark, economics, The Heartland Institute, Feb. 10, 2021 (Commentary)

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